Outreach Ministry


9:00 AM Sunday School.....10:30 AM Worship Service.....Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 PM via zoom

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Mission: GO Ministry Area

The mission of the Outreach Ministry is to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with lost individuals, making disciples of all nations, and transforming lives for the Kingdom of God while serving locally and internationally.  

Theme Scriptures:

Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8  

Why This Ministry is Needed:

Local and State Outreach

The Go Ministry is a response to the Great Commission. It is a demonstration of our uncompromised obedience to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As believers, we are called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ which brings salvation, hope, and reconciliation to a lost people. Because sin separates us from God, salvation is the only means by which we can be saved. 

The Go Ministry is needed to fulfill the Great Commission and to act in response to Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 28: 19-20 and Acts 1:8.

This ministry has already identified with supporting a local Senior Citizen’s Home, The Pregnancy Resource Center, and the Backpack Ministry in the Lithia Springs/Douglasville area. We will also seek to identify other local and national outreach opportunities through our association, state convention and the North American Mission Board.

International Outreach

To help meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of those living internationally. There is an international need for salvation, food, clothing, housing, schooling, and more. We are commanded to go make disciples and we can do this internationally through our sharing of The Word of God, feeding those who are hungry, clothing those who are without, aiding in the building efforts, and by providing supplies to help further their education. We are presently supporting and serving Mount Olive Christian Church and Academy in Nakuru, Kenya. Other opportunities to serve will be sought through the International Mission Board.

Contact Information:

Name:  Gwen Jordan              Email:   gj298764@yahoo.com           Phone Number: (770) 941-2923