Hospitality Ministry


9:00 AM Sunday School.....10:30 AM Worship Service.....Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 PM via zoom

Hospitality Ministry  A picture containing text
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Mission: CONNECT Ministry Area

The mission of the Hospitality Ministry is to provide a friendly, engaging yet comfortable environment for our guests and church family to encounter the reality of God. 

Theme Scriptures:  

Psalm 122:1; Romans 12:10-13

Why This Ministry Is Needed:

  • To provide practical needs of members and guests while they attend Cornerstone services or other designated special events.

  • To ensure a positive experience through friendly assistance before, during, and following the worship services and assigned activities. “Share with God’s people in need. Practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13

Contact Information: 

Name:  Jimmy Inman             Email:         

             Billy Feagins              Email:    

            Gregory Davis             Email :