Dance Team Ministry
Mission: Connect
As an act of praise and worship, this ministry team celebrates God’s presence and expresses God’s heart through the sacred art of creative dance movements and music that honor Christ, tell His story, and inspire people to daily offer their life [bodies/temples] as a living sacrifice to Christ.
Theme Scriptures:
Psalms 149:1-4; Psalm 150; Romans 12:1-2
Why This Team Is Needed:
- There is the need through dance to provide a godly outlet as a way to visually interpret selected songs that express the message of God’s good news [Gospel] of Christ.
- There is a need to become “counter-culture”:
- The need to restore the honor and dignity of dance movements created by Elohim [Our Creator God].
- The need to offer our temples as a living sacrifice, preparing an atmosphere of worship to the glory of God as we magnify the name of the Lord through dance.
- The need to demonstrate the majesty, power, splendor and wonder of the Scriptures through the use of movement arts and accompanied music. .
- The need to minister in such a way that would be acceptable to God and would enhance the spiritual experience of the worshippers.
- The need for the dance garments and movements to be representative of the God we serve and testify to His greatness.
- The need for the dance garments to be modest and appropriate as to not distract from the objective of drawing the people [believers and unbelievers] into the worship of our God.
Name: Alicia Washington Email: Phone Number: 770-262-0788